Community Engagement: A Must-Have in Your Marketing Toolkit

Brownsburg Farmers Market Nonprofit Night

Hello, neighbors! Have you ever wondered why community engagement is important for your small business or nonprofit’s growth? Integrating your business or nonprofit into the community fabric should play a key part in your ongoing marketing strategy! Explore why community engagement is the key to success in the main areas we serve in Brownsburg, Plainfield, Danville, Avon, Greater Hendricks County, Boone County, and Johnson County areas.

Local Love: Be Present and Trusted

Show up at local events to become a beloved part of the community. Join your local chambers of commerce and learn and grow with other business leaders. Building trust through familiarity creates lasting connections.

Our team greatly enjoys all the events put on by the Plainfield Chamber of Commerce, Brownsburg Chamber of Commerce, Danville Chamber of Commerce, Avon Chamber of Commerce, Boone County Chamber of Commerce, and Aspire Johnson County. Find the areas you are serving - and find a way to get integrated!

Volunteer for Win-Win Impact

Roll up your sleeves for clean-ups and local causes. Volunteering is a way to not only spread your reach in the community, but it gives you a chance to make a difference in an area that you are passionate about! Odds are there is a local nonprofit in Hendricks County, Boone County, or Johnson County that could greatly benefit from your area of expertise - either as a board member or volunteer.

Some of the awesome organizations we serve on in our personal and professional lives are the Brownsburg Chamber of Commerce, Plainfield Chamber of Commerce, Indiana Association for Career and Technical Education, and the Hendricks County Arts Council.

Personal Connection: Be the Face of Your Business

In small business, you become the face of your brand. Engage with customers on a personal level. Potential clients and customers are more likely to work with you if they see the efforts you are putting in to bring value to the community. No one can share the story of your company better than you!

Not only is it fun to attend local community events, but it can also be great for your business’s reach on social media. When you are out at an event, networking meeting, or luncheon, make sure to snap a photo with your friends and tag them and the event host on your business profiles. Collaborative posts perform great on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn!

Collaborate Locally: Support Each Other

Play the collaboration game. Small businesses and nonprofit organizations supporting each other creates a thriving local business ecosystem. It's not just about competition; it's about championing one another. There is plenty of success and resources to go around!

In essence, community engagement is about creating lasting relationships with clients, partners, community organizations, and business friends.

Join the fun, spread the love, and watch your small business or nonprofit thrive in Brownsburg, Plainfield, Danville, Avon, Greater Hendricks County, Boone County, and Johnson County communities.


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